Applied Linear Algebra and Matrix Analysis
Instructor: He Wang
- All course materials (homework/labs/tests/etc.) are on Canvas.
- Syllabus: Math5110Syllabus
Lecture Notes:
- Section 0 Introduction: Introduction
- Section 1 group, ring, and fields. (This is a generalization of real number field R.) Math5110Sec1 (extra: FieldsClassWork)
- Section 2 matrix operations. Math5110Sec2 (extra: MatrixClassWork)
- Section 3 general vector spaces over a field. (This is a generalization of subspaces of R^n) Math5110Sec3
- Section 4 Independence and basis (of any vector spaces) Math5110Sec4 (extra: ClassWorkBasis)
- Section 5 coordinates, matrix of linear transformations and change of coordinate Math5110Sec5
- Section 6 determinants Math5110Sec6 (extra: ClassWorkDet)
- Section 7 diagonalization and eigenspaces. Math5110Sec7
- Section 8 Jordan Canonical forms, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, minimal polynomials. Math5110Sec8
- Section 9 Perron-Frobenius Theorem, Dynamical system, Markov chains, etc. Math5110Sec9
- Section 10 inner product spaces (this is a generalization on dot products.) Math5110Sec10 (Extra: InnerProduct, Sec InnerProduct)
- Section 11 General Least squares problems, data fitting, function approximation. Math5110Sec11
- Section 12 Fast Fourier Transform. Math5110SecFFT
- Section 13 Symmetric matrices and quadratic forms Math5110Sec13
- Section 14 Singular value decompositions(SVD) Math5110Sec14
- Section 15 Principal component analysis(PCA). Math5110Sec15
- Extra Topics: (Hilbertspaces_Multi-linear spaces_More , Grassmannian and distances between spaces)
- Matrix Calculus.
- Hilbert Spaces.
- Convergence of sequences and series in a normed vector space.
- Linear Programming
- An Introduction to algebraic and spectral graph theory
- Haar Bases and Haar wavelets
- Hadamard matrices.
- The group of unit quaternions, SU(2), and the representation of rotations in SO(3) by unit quaternions
- The geometry of the orthogonal groups O(n) and SO(n), and of the unitary groups U(n) and SU(n).
- Exterior algebra and tensor algebra
- Multilinear Algebra
- Affine space and affine maps
- Duality norm and dual norms
- Finite-dimensional linear algebra, Mark S. Gockenbach, CRC Press.
- Introduction to Linear Algebra, Gilbert Strang, Wellesley-Cambridge Press
- Applied Linear Algebra and Matrix Analysis, Shores, Thomas S., Springer
- Applied Linear Algebra, Olver, Peter J., Shakiban, Chehrzad, Springer
- A Second Course in Linear Algebra, S. R. Garcia, R. A. Horn, Cambridge University Press
- Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra, C. D. Meyer, SIAM, 2000.
- Advanced Linear algebra, Steven Roman, GTM, Springer 3rd edition
- Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra Vectors, Matrices, and Least Squares
- Linear Algebra and Optimization with Applications to Machine Learning: Volume I: Linear Algebra for Computer Vision, Robotics, and Machine Learning and Volume II: Fundamentals of Optimization Theory with Applications to Machine Learning by Jean Gallier and Jocelyn Quaintance
- Algebra, Topology, Differential Calculus, and Optimization Theory for Computer Science and Machine Learning
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